
What We Can Control and What We Cannot

Today's golf meditation download: Most of us tend to overestimate what we can control, and underestimate what we cannot. Wisdom is recognizing which is mine, and which is His, and proceed accordingly!  Not to EARN God's favor, but rather because He's already made it abundantly clear how much He cares about us and wants us to connect with us! Few things are within my control, but very few things outside of my influence.

The Best Of Times The Worst Of Times

The best of times, the worst of times: neither are evidence of, nor determiners of, God’s unconditional love and goodness! (And every mundane micro-moment in between, for that matter!)

God Leans Down

 YOU, as God's divine kiddo, learning how to walk by faith on this path called life, stumbling to find your balance, strengthening your muscles...your perfect, loving, eternal Daddy leans down, gently offers you His index fingers, and invites you to grab ahold.


Came to me on the golf course today. TODAY IS the next unwritten chapter in your very own “course of miracles.” The Creator of the Universe is available to be our Author, co-Author, Editor, and/or Reader. He’s given us that very choice in every micro-moment.  Choose wisely! And in those inevitable moments when you fail to make the wisest choice, there is a never ending supply of GRACE and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for you!

New Commuter

My new commuter! Saving money, conserving natural resources, and boosting my mood (and immune system). WINNER!!! 

Orphaned Golf Balls

During my golf meditation this morning, I found/retrieved several “orphaned” golf balls along the course, from a creek, under rocks, etc. Nothing wrong w/the balls, just lost or discarded. So I took the time and effort to stray from MY course, pick them up, clean them off, and put them back in play. And then it hit me: that’s a poignant metaphor for what God has done in/for me, and now what I can do for others. He doesn’t leave us in the shadows, weeds, rocks, or drowning in the creek. Let’s be on the lookout for the lost/discarded/orphaned peeps and do whatever we can to get them back on (the) course!